Eat More Veggies!

Hi, I’m Genevieve, Wifey of Tessemaes. As you may have heard... my Mother In Law (THE Tessemae) was having trouble figuring out how to get her three athletic boys to eat their veggies while staying healthy. Low and Behold the Lemon Garlic Dressing was Born. Fast forward to her oldest boy marrying his college sweetheart and having four kids of their own. Some 30 years later, we were met with the same challenge Tessemae was. How do you get your kids to eat their veggies without adding dressings and sauces full of artificial ingredients? Luckily, we have a healthy Ranch that is Kid Tested, Mother Approved!! Like Melissa says, Changing the way you think about food is hard… For us, changing the way kids think about food is hard. Society wants us to believe that there are foods just for kids. That we need to offer options that they will eat, because let's face it sometimes we will do anything just to have them eat. However, you don’t have to think that way.
It’s about making it fun and letting them help. We include our kiddos on the meal prep, letting them pick out their favorite containers for Ranch and their favorite containers for carrots, celery and peppers and letting them assemble. We let them help meal plan for the week. Do we want broccoli tomorrow or sweet potatoes? Purple or Orange? Having them a part of the process will help them change the way they think about food. Here are some of our favorite family Whole 30 Recipes. We hope you and your kids love them as much as we do! Happy Whole30!