Grilled (Gluten Free) BBQ Chicken Pizzas
If you don't happen to have a pizza oven, your grill is the next best thing. The dough gets a delicious char and the pies cook super fast. But what about all of our friends out there who just don't do gluten? This one's for you guys. Of course, you could easily make this one with regular pizza dough too...
What you need
For the Dough:
½ box Glutino Pizza Crust Mix
½ pouch (1 1/8 tsp) yeast (included in box)
3 tablespoons olive oil
¾ cup warm water
For the Pizzas:
1/2 cup Tessemae’s Matty’s BBQ Sauce
shredded meat from ½ rotisserie chicken (about 2 cups)
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1 cup shredded white cheddar cheese
1/2 cup cilantro leaves
What to do
Make ½ recipe of dough according to the instructions on the box. Remove the dough from the mixer and roll into a ball. Divide it into 4 equal pieces. Generously rub a baking sheet with oil and use the sheet to press and push each piece of dough into a round. (Don’t try for perfection!) If the dough breaks, just mush it back together. Flip the pieces over to ensure they are not stuck to the pan. Let the dough sit 40 minutes to rise.
Heat your grill to medium high. Rub each piece of dough again with oil. Now comes the only hard part… you have to get these fragile rounds to the grill. We used a large spatula to sort of lift and slide them from the baking sheet to the grill, which worked great! Definitely don’t attempt to keep them round or worry if they are thicker in places, the unevenness is part of the charm!
Once successfully on the grill, wait for the pizzas to get bubbly all over (like pancakes) and browned underneath. Transfer each pizza, grilled side up, back to the baking sheet.
Dividing evenly, top the pizzas with half of the Matty’s BBQ, the shredded chicken, scallions, and cheddar cheese. Drizzle with the other half of the BBQ. Use a spatula to transfer the pizzas back to the grill and cook, covered, until they are browned underneath and the cheese is melted. Top with cilantro and serve.